Sexuality refers to different sexual relationships and sexual behavior between man and women. A sexual relationship can be between the opposite genders that are considered normal. But sexual relationship between man to man or woman to women is not looked up with the same dignity in many societies and is considered unethical.
There are gay people, or homosexuals, who are romantically attracted to members of their own sex and are involved in sexual activity with them. They are scared to show their sexuality as there is often a pressure from most of the societies that stops them to show their feelings. But there are gay men all around the world. Although they were not looked upon with much respect but now increased societal acceptance in recent times, as well as gay advocacy, has lead more gay people to be open about their sexuality.
The same is the case with lesbians, the women who are involved with women in sexual activity. They often face more disrepute than men as it is not acceptable for most of the societies.
One model:
There are bisexual who are indulged in sexual activity with both the opposite gender as well as their own gender. That means that an individual has sex with both men as well as women.
All types of sexual relationships have sexual problems related to it if proper precautions are not taken while having sex. Each and every individual is at a risk of being infected by the sexually transmitted diseases if safe sex is not followed.
Apart from sexual relationships and problems related to it there individual sexual behavior. There are some individuals who lack in sexual activity and is generally known as sexual dysfunction or there are some who are too much involved in sexual activity and are victims of compressed sexual behavior. Sexual dysfunction in both men and women is due to various reasons such as lack of energy, physical or psychological health or lack of self esteem that can be resolved. But sexual compressed behavior at times can make individuals commit crimes such as rape and need to be cured.
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